The Ghimnoverse
The Ghimnoverse is a vast and enigmatic universe characterized by its anomalous phenomena, diverse entities, and intricate interdimensional relationships. Within this multiverse, reality is fluid and unpredictable, governed by a complex web of anomalous forces and entities.
At the heart of the Ghimnoverse lies Castillo Prime, an extradimensional hub that serves as a nexus for the convergence of various anomalous entities and events. Within Castillo Prime is Castle Sesame, a secure containment facility where anomalous entities are housed and studied by the secretive Foundation.
Two prominent entities within the Ghimnoverse are Ghimno and Kwik. Ghimno, designated as GMN-0002, is a chaotic polymorph entity often taking the form of an anthropomorphic raccoon. Additionally, he has been observed as a sabertooth tigre, and gremlin. Possessing immense power but limited self-control, Ghimno's erratic behavior poses a constant challenge to containment efforts.
In contrast, Kwik, designated as GMN-0001, is an entity of the "Longdog" type. Kwik possesses the ability to focus and channel the chaotic energies emanating from Ghimno, often redirecting them towards beneficial outcomes. Kwik's organized and creative nature serves as a stabilizing force within the Ghimnoverse.
Annual events such as the Cliff Conjunction (GMN-0003) and the NYE Schiasma (GMN-0005) further highlight the anomalous nature of the Ghimnoverse. The Cliff Conjunction, occurring deep within the forests of Castillo Prime, results in the rebirth of vitality for many denizens of the Ghimnoverse. Conversely, the NYE Schiasma, occurring within Castle Sesame on New Year's Eve, allows participants to traverse through space and time, exploring distant dimensions and civilizations.
Despite the inherent dangers and unpredictability of the Ghimnoverse, the Foundation remains vigilant in its efforts to contain and study its anomalous phenomena. Through careful observation, research, and containment procedures, the Foundation strives to maintain order and safeguard our universe from the potential threats posed by the Ghimnoverse.