Location Designation: GMN-0004, "Castillo Prime"
Location Classification: Euclid
GMN-0004, known as Castillo Prime, is an anomalous extradimensional location that periodically manifests itself within our universe. While the exact nature of Castillo Prime remains elusive, it is believed to exist within a separate dimension or reality with its own unique properties and inhabitants.
Castillo Prime has been observed to manifest in various locations and forms, with one notable manifestation being as the state of Ohio in the United States of America. During these manifestations, Castillo Prime exhibits anomalous characteristics that diverge from the normal laws of physics and reality observed within our universe.
The landscape of Castillo Prime is known to be highly variable, with features ranging from dense forests and sprawling plains to towering mountains and labyrinthine caverns. The environment is inhabited by a diverse array of denizens and critters, many of which possess anomalous abilities and traits.
One of the most intriguing aspects of Castillo Prime is its ability to project itself into our universe, specifically as the state of Ohio. This manifestation is often temporary and unpredictable, with the duration and exact location of the manifestation varying each time.
Despite its periodic manifestations, Castillo Prime remains largely elusive and enigmatic, with many aspects of its nature and origins still shrouded in mystery. Research efforts are ongoing to uncover the secrets of Castillo Prime and its potential significance within the broader context of the Ghimnoverse.
Addendum 0004-1: Exploration Log
On ██/██/████, Foundation exploration teams conducted a reconnaissance mission to investigate the latest manifestation of Castillo Prime in Ohio. The team reported encountering various anomalous phenomena, including spatial distortions, temporal anomalies, and sightings of indigenous denizens and critters. Further exploration and analysis are planned to gather more information about Castillo Prime and its anomalous properties.
Special Containment Procedures:
GMN-0004, designated as "Castillo Prime," is to be monitored closely by Foundation surveillance teams for any anomalous activity or manifestations. Access to Castillo Prime is restricted to authorized Foundation personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher.
Foundation agents are tasked with maintaining cover stories and suppressing public awareness of Castillo Prime's anomalous nature. Any civilians attempting to approach or investigate Castillo Prime are to be deterred using appropriate cover stories and amnestic treatments if necessary.
Research efforts into the origins and nature of Castillo Prime are ongoing, with the goal of better understanding its anomalous properties and potential connections to other anomalies within the Ghimnoverse.